Sunday, November 7, 2010

Quotes on Stillness

  * The Self alone is real. All others are unreal. The mind and intellect do not remain apart from you. The Bible says, `Be still and know that I am God.' Stillness is the sole requisite for the realization of the Self as God. - Ramana Maharshi
    * Meditation is the way to stop the very idea of time as flux. Meditation is a total stillness. Nothing moves. - Osho
    * The western mind is obsessed by doing more and more
      restless and constantly on the run
      just cannot sit still into being
      the grace that descends…just by being…still
      being leads to being - Swami Rajneesh
    * Meditation is emptying yourself of all content. When there is no thought moving inside you there is stillness; that stillness is meditation. Not even a ripple arises in the lake of your consciousness; that silent lake, absolutely still, that is meditation. - Osho
    * The fool thinks peace comes
      by controlling the mind.
      He will never attain it.
      The wise one knows Truth,
      and is stillness itself. - Sage Astavakra
    * Health, contentment and trust
      Are your greatest possessions,
      And freedom your greatest joy.
      Look within.
      Be still. - Buddha
    * The moment you die consciously, in meditation, God is born -- because you disappear as an ego. Then what is left? A stillness, a tremendously potential stillness, a silence that is pregnant -- pregnant with the whole. When you disappear, boundaries disappear. You melt and merge with everybody else. - Osho
    * Create a little bit of silence
      stillness, slowly slowly peak the Stillness
      raise it to the highest possible
      when you peak, search
      and you will understand what I am saying
      it is a state of no mind
      that you are in
      that is what you are here to experience
      as an energetic phenomena - Swami Rajneesh
    * Praise That,
      which is Bliss itself,
      which is by nature stillness and light,
      and which by Its knowing
      reveals the world as a dream. - Astavakra Gita
    * No matter how much sadhana you practise, you will not realize the goal as long as you have desire. But this also is true, that one can fealize the goal in a moment through the grace of God, through His kindness. Take the case of a room that has been dark a thousand years. If somebody suddenly brings a lamp into it, the room is lighted in an instant. - Ramana Maharshi

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